Sunday, November 18, 2007

All My Sons Ending

It’s now one year later. Joe is gone, and Chris continues to live with the guilt of his father’s death, seeing it as his fault. The scene takes place in a dark, dripping alley, inside an urban neighborhood. There are dumpsters s lining the walls, and a cardboard box with a hobo resting inside. Two shady men approach eachother. One of the figures is hooded, smoking a cigarette.

Stranger: You got the money?
Response: I don’t know… You got the goods. (A hooded face is revealed to be Chris)
Stranger: Of course I do essay, you know I’m good. (The stranger then produces a tightly rapped bag of Heroine)
Chris, menacingly looks around and produces a revolver
Stranger: Wohh man your loco! It doesn’t have to be like this! (Staring down the barrel of the gun)
(Flicking the cig into a nearby puddle) Chris: Life’s unfair… Amigo.
The hobo is awaken, and Chris heads for the street.

It’s now the next morning. Chris is inside a shabby apartment, lying on his bed. He gets up and heads for the bathroom. Sitting on the sink is a neatly organized heroine kit. He looks into the mirror, and then proceeds to inject himself into the right arm. He then stumbles around, back into the bedroom.
The phone rings
Chris: W-What!
(On the phone) Mother: Chris? Chris honey is that you!?
Chris: Who is this?
Mother: Chris… It’s your Mother. (Chris sits motionless, holding the phone)
Mother: Chris are you there?
Chris: Y-Yeah. I’m here.
Mother: I miss you so much Chris, I miss you so much…
(Strung out and confused, Chris fumbles for words over the telephone)
Chris: W-Why are you calling me.
Mother: Chris there isn’t any time, they only let me make one phone call!
Chris: Who’s they?
Mother: Oh God Chris! You have to rescue me! Help me! (Mother screams, as there is a sign of struggle on the other end of the call) Chris help!
Chris: Where are you mom! What’s going on!?
Mother: (Rustling of the phone, shouts of voices in backround) Chris, I’ve been captured by Pirates! I need you to rescue me!
Chris: Mom! MOM! (The screaming stops, and the dial tone fills Chris’ ear.)
He then drops the phone, not knowing what to think.
Chris stands and shakes his head in confusion.
Chris: Oh my God. My mom has been captured. I-I’ve got to save her. (Chris’ fists then tighten, as he turns and approaches his closet.)
As the door slowly creaks open, the walls are filled with row upon row of artillery. Machine guns, shotguns, RPG’s, Samurai swords, anything one could possibly imagine. Chris then reaches to pick up a grenade, and squeezes it tightly in his hand.
Chris: I know what I have to do (To himself) I’ve got to rescue my mom…

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