Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 2

unwittingly (20) - not willing; reluctant; loath; averse
vehemently (24) - zealous; ardent; impassioned
mewling (26)- To cry weakly; whimper
Figurative Language
"Baba burst out in gales of his deep throated laughter - a sound like a truck engine revving (26)." This is a simile, comparing Baba's laugh, to the sond of a truck revving its engine.
"I was a Sunni and he was Shi'a, and nothing was ever going to change that. Nothing (25)."
This is ironic, how Hassan and Amir are best friends when Sunnis and Shi'ites are enemies.
"Then, Baba and I drove off in his black Ford Mustang - a car that drove envious looks everywhere (27)..."
This is imagery, because when I read this I can't help but visualize a sleek black Ford Mustang looking out of place in the Middle East.
"If I hadn't seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes, I'd never believe he's my son (23)."
This quote is significant because it really shows how Baba looks down apon Amir. He tried everything to please his father, but it looks like he'll never live up to his expectations.
An emerging theme after reading would be that Amir is slowly pulling away in the relationship with his Father. After a failed attemp at soccer, Baba truly bacame upset and dissapointed, now Amir must find a way to redeem himself.
Dear Khaled,
I am pleased to tell you that your book has really grown on me. I was hesitant in the beginning, but am starting to catch on now. It really really interesting to hear of all these traditions Ive never experienced. The Islamic world is very different than our Western civilization, and thats not a bad thing. When you attened that Buzkashi, it really opened my eyes. The character Baba, truthfully pisses me off. I dont like how Amir is in a constant struggle to meet his expectations, even though nothing is good enough for him. I will keep reading, and hopefully learn more of Muslim culture.

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