Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 3

valiant (29)-boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted
wholly (30)- entirely; totally; altogether; quite
Brut (32) -Very dry. Used of champagne
Figurative Language
"But right then, I wished I could open up my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body (32)."
This is imagery. Even thought its pretty graphic, I can actually picture the little boy draining his own blood... Messed up.
"But the most impressive thing about your story is that it has irony, you may not even know what that word means (32)." Isnt that entire quote ironic?
"...none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended. Our way of life. If not quite yet, then at least it was the beginning of the end."
This is a metaphor, talking about how this one night was just the tip of the iceberg, and how the Russian coup detat would soon shake Amir and Hassan's lives off their bearings.
"What does that word mean?"
"which one?"
"You don't know what it means?" I said, grinning.
"Nay, Amir agha."
"But it is such a common word!"
"Still, I dont know."
"Lets see 'Imbecile.' It means smart, intelligent. Ill use it in a sentence for you. 'When it comes to words, Hassan is an imbecile.' "
This quote, or dialog is significant because it shows a major difference between Hassan and Amir. Hassan has always been illiterate, and Amir sometimes teases and plays with him because of this.
An emerging theme of The Kite Runner is loyalty. Even though Amir and Hassan are taught to be enemies, they still share one of the closest friendships ive ever encountered.
Dear Khaled,
Well holy butthole now your book is getting really intense. I still havent read much, but ive finally discovered what happened that dreadful night. From what Ive read, the coup settled down, and for a brief period, you and Hassan were at piece. At this point the invasion just happened, and now your are embarking to the tree. I am thrilled to read this book, and hope that your friendship lasts longer than your country.
With much JIHAD,

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